Friday, November 27, 2009


Don't be seduced and swayed by some of the crazy, unsubstantiated, radio promotions we hear every day. These golden-voiced pitch people seduce you with their well-worded, well-rehearsed BULL CRAP. We are constantly bombarded by ads about 'simple ' loan modifications . . . or the fun and joys of Vegas and gambling at various Indian reservations...or easy weight-loss programs -- that are guaranteed to work.

Many of you have probably already found out there is nothing simple about attempting to arrange a loan modification, especially if you put it in the hands of someone else. It's closer to a nightmare. According to a number of real estate brokers I've spoken with, only 8% of the loan modification attempts are actually granted.

The next time you are in Vegas . . . be honest and just look around in any direction. Other than the overpriced shows, you are NOT going to feel or see 'joy and wonderment' in the faces of the hordes of passerbys, frustrated gamblers or perturbed families. I've even heard promoters, on television, reminding us to 'gamble responsibly'. Talking about an oxymoron. Imagine if people did gamble responsibly? What if most people could stop after losing that first $5.00 or $50.00? Vegas would grind to an abrupt halt. Gamble responsibly . . . that's the last thing the casino would like to see.

Weight-loss programs, that are guaranteed to work. Yeah, right.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Git 'Er Done . . . With a Daily To Do List!

Many years ago, I discovered a very simple and effective exercise that has helped me accomplish more each day. This would be my daily to-do list -- like a shopping list! It's amazing how much more focused and efficient you become when you know what needs to be done and that you plan on actually doing it.

I've found that the best time to prepare for tomorrow is just before turning in for the night. This is the ideal time to envision what you need to do, what you want to do, and the results you would like to gain. Each night . . . or more honestly, several nights a week, I try to write down at least six extra things I would like to accomplish the next day. Six is very manageable and do-able. Be clear now . . . we're not talking about everyday things you do as a matter of course. You would not include daily routines such as brushing your teeth or feeding the dog or reading the mail. No, those things you do anyway. We're talking about taking action and doing things that you, personally, should attend to. Writing a letter you've been putting off . . . sending out those resumes . . . getting that nice, professional photo taken for your business card . . . calling grandma, etc.

Just imagine: If you sat down, just five nights a week, to compose what you want and need to accomplish the next day; five days times six special activities per day . . . that's 30 extra things accomplished in one week. Things that you either made happen or followed up on and accomplished. That's well over 100 extra personal accomplishments a month. You will quickly realize that many of these planned actions and deeds will, naturally, propel you and move you towards the goals you've set for yourself.

Just like with that shopping list . . . it feels great to actually accomplish what you set out to do. It becomes a game you play with yourself -- some days you will accomplish everything on your list and some days you may not get everything done. No fear, you are your own score keeper.

Now you try it, and let me know how it's going! Feel free to comment here or directly contact me, an Inland Empire media professional, at

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cable Television Advertising: An Affordable Necessity

Whoa . . . slow down Charlie. If you would only take the time to look around and see what works .

In these times of recession, small businesses everywhere are resulting to downsizing, reductions, layoffs, cutbacks, etc. So many times, in so many cases, these small business owners are failing to take advantage of the 'tried and true' method of influencing the public: television advertising.

Television advertising has worked . . . is working . . . and will continue to drive the public to their products and services.

As a people, we tend to believe what we see and what we hear. Common sense to ridiculous . . . we still believe it. And lord, let a celebrity endorse it . . . show me...where does the line start? The more we see and hear it, the more the message is ingrained in our brains as being true. Every one of us can remember, recall, and sing along with yesteryears' mottos and tunes - promoting toothpaste, soda pop, beer, etc. Some of us can recall catchy tunes from ads as far back as 40 years ago.

In times like these, instead of cutting back on advertising, smart business owners should be increasing their exposure and influencing new customers. Advertising on cable television is much more affordable than what most people realize.

Drop me an e-mail at and learn how I can help to increase your business exposure with television advertising services.

I also offer marketing consulting for small businesses, action photography (high school athletics and recruitment videos), videography (biographies, resume reels, commercials), professional interviews for your website, and property management (one to four units and office buildings).

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