Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cable Television Advertising: An Affordable Necessity

Whoa . . . slow down Charlie. If you would only take the time to look around and see what works .

In these times of recession, small businesses everywhere are resulting to downsizing, reductions, layoffs, cutbacks, etc. So many times, in so many cases, these small business owners are failing to take advantage of the 'tried and true' method of influencing the public: television advertising.

Television advertising has worked . . . is working . . . and will continue to drive the public to their products and services.

As a people, we tend to believe what we see and what we hear. Common sense to ridiculous . . . we still believe it. And lord, let a celebrity endorse it . . . show me...where does the line start? The more we see and hear it, the more the message is ingrained in our brains as being true. Every one of us can remember, recall, and sing along with yesteryears' mottos and tunes - promoting toothpaste, soda pop, beer, etc. Some of us can recall catchy tunes from ads as far back as 40 years ago.

In times like these, instead of cutting back on advertising, smart business owners should be increasing their exposure and influencing new customers. Advertising on cable television is much more affordable than what most people realize.

Drop me an e-mail at citruzp@msn.com and learn how I can help to increase your business exposure with television advertising services.

I also offer marketing consulting for small businesses, action photography (high school athletics and recruitment videos), videography (biographies, resume reels, commercials), professional interviews for your website, and property management (one to four units and office buildings).

Photo Credit: http://www.marketingpilgrim.com

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